Rabu, 04 Juni 2008

Masalah Mobil.................

Rabu, 4 Juni 2008 | 11:04 WIB

JAKARTA, RABU - Suspensi udara atau air sus mulai ramai diaplikasi. Tak lagi Jakarta sentris, kini menyebar di kota-kota besar di tanah air. Isu terhangat, selain air sus tipe bolt on marak dipakai custom air sus. Namun, banyak simpang siur informasi soal custom air sus ini. Katanya berbahayalah, murah-meriahlah, suka jebol di jalan dan sekian ribu gosip lainnya.

Bisa dimaklumi karena teknologinya belum 100% dikuasai, wajar jika masih banyak trial and error yang dilakukan. Lantas seperti apa sih Air Suspension itu?

Beda Pabrikan
Sejatinya sistem air sus terdiri dari kompresor, tabung udara, selang-selang, lalu suspensi-nya sendiri (bisa berbentuk balon karet atau tabung silinder). Setiap komponen terintegrasi menjadi sistem yang tak terpisahkan. Walaupun begitu produksi setiap komponen tak selalu dari pabrik yang sama.

Biasanya setiap komponen diproduksi oleh pabrik atau vendor yang khusus menangani satu bidang. Semisal, vendor sistem suspensi memproduksi balon karet, lalu selang-selang ada bikinan Air Ride, Chassistech, Firestone, Acc atau Universal Air. Untuk kompresor dirancang khusus oleh ahli-ahli di pabrik kompresor (contoh Viair, Thomas dan Zenith).

Semua komponen di atas dirakit menjadi air sus oleh berbagai perusahaan seperti Canover, air runner, Street Ride Pro ataupun Air bagit yang kemudian memberi merek dagangan sendiri. Kemudian ada juga yang melanjutkan riset, seperti Air Runner dan Canover untuk menghasilkan produk-produk spesifik.

Berbeda dengan produk milik Universal Air atau Chassistech bisa dipakai untuk mobil apa saja, dengan catatan mesti ada proses penyesuaian. Proses penyesuaian yang dilakukan setiap modifikator ini biasa disebut juga custom. Jadi tentu bisa dipahami kalau dengan menggunakan sistem seperti ini yang tanpa jasa riset pabrikan, punya harga yang menarik alias lebih lebih murah daripada produk bikinan perusahaan perakitan tertentu.

Namun usah ragu dengan sistem air sus custom ini. Jika diaplikasi dengan tepat oleh otak-otak kreatif modifikator Indonesia, hasilnya tak bakal kalah bersaing dengan sistem terintegrasi khas perusahaan perakitan.

Efektif Berkat Akumulator
Jika dilihat dari konstruksi suspensi mobil standar, tipe air sus berbahan balon karet terbagi dua. Sistem strut adalah sistem air sus yang diaplikasi pada sistem per dan sokbreker yang bersatu (sokbreker dipasang di dalam balon karet).

Sedangkan mobil yang menggunakan sistem suspensi di mana per dan sokbreker terpisah, bisa dipasang sistem air bag. Sistem balon karet punya bantingan cukup empuk, itu karena karet punya karakter elastis.

Ada lagi yang disebut silinder atau biasa dipanggil pneumatic. Bentuknya mirip silinder besi yang dalamnya terdapat ruangan berisi udara yang dapat diatur tekanannya. Sistem silinder besi ini adalah solusi efektif untuk menghadapi ruang spakbor yang mungil dan terbatas. Ditambah, "Andal untuk mengangkat beban tambahan di luar berat mobil, contohnya sistem audio," pendapat Rendy, bos bengkel BTX Concept, Bandung.

Namun kini, sistem silinder bagi sebagian orang dicap jelek. Pasalnya diklaim terlalu keras bantingannya. Padahal sebenarnya tidak demikian, "Sistem suspensi silinder bakal efektif jika ditambahi dengan komponen bernama accumulator," buka Iwan, pentolan bengkel Akasia, yang jadi distributor resmi merek Universal Air dan kompresor Viair di Indonesia ini.

Accumulator sendiri fungsinya menampung tekanan udara dari silinder, sehingga ketika mobil melewati jalanan bergelombang atau rusak, tekanan udara di silinder dapat bergerak ke accumulator. Efek keras-nya silinder jauh tereliminir. Teknologi accumulator bisa dijumpai pada sokbreker aftermarket sepeda motor. Air sus sistem silinder yang tak menggunakan accumulator, bisa terlihat dalam indikator tekanan udara, “Biasanya jarumnya tak bisa diam, selalu bergerak,” kata Iwan lagi.(Andri/Rudi/Rendy)

Jurus kabur yang jitu dengan tangan terborgol

Kamis, 5 Juni 2008 09:39 WIB
SURYA, KAMIS-Markas Polres KP3 Tanjung Perak kecolongan. Seluruh anggota Polres dibuat kalang kabut oleh kaburnya seorang tahanan, Heri Nurmi'at (35), Rabu (4/6). Heri adalah satu dari 15 orang (9 orang di antaranya wanita) yang diamankan ketika Polres KP3 merazia diskotek Station, Rabu dinihari pukul 01.00 WIB.
Kasatreskrim KP3 AKP Syamsul Makali menjelaskan, Heri Nurmi'at adalah petugas keamanan diskotek Station. Warga Tegalsari ini ikut diciduk karena kedapatan membawa dua butir ineks merk Butterfly di saku celananya.
Sebelum kabur, Surya sempat memfoto dan melontarkan pertanyaan kepada Heri mengenai ineks yang dimilikinya. Namun saat itu, Heri yang wajahnya bengap, tidak menjawab sepatah kata pun. Pria berbadan kekar dan berambut gondrong ini juga tidak menjawab ketika ditanya apakah ia benar satpam diskotek Station.
Nah, usai difoto oleh para wartawan itulah, ke-15 tersangka kembali duduk di dalam ruang reskrim. Mereka menunggu giliran untuk dimintai keterangan oleh penyidik. Heri kemudian meminta izin kepada petugas untuk ke WC. “Gubrak!” Tiba-tiba, terdengar suara gaduh dari dalam WC.
Seorang penyidik langsung melihat ke dalam WC. “Kabur, ada yang kabur!,” teriak penyidik tersebut. Beberapa anggota reserse berpakaian preman pun langsung semburat mengejar tersangka.Plafon WC terlihat rusak dan berlubang. Diduga Heri kabur dengan menjebol plafon WC kemudian meloncat dari atap dan kabur melalui lorong yang ada di belakang mapolres.
Selain itu, ketika meloncat ke bawah, kemungkinan tersangka sempat tercebur selokan. Ini bisa dilihat dari ceceran air selokan di sepanjang lorong yang menunjukkan jejak kaki tersangka. Hebatnya, tersangka melakukan itu semua dengan keadaan tangan terborgol di depan.
Karena penangkapan tersangka hanya beberapa jam sebelum kejadian kabur itu, maka beberapa petugas yang mengejar sempat bingung wajah dan pakaian apa yang dikenakan tersangka. Beberapa petugas sempat melihat kamera digital para wartawan untuk mengenali wajah tersangka Heri.
Dalam pengejaran itu, dari anggota Samapta berpangkat Bripda, hingga Kapolres AKBP Gagas Nugraha turun langsung. Seorang sumber di KP3 mengatakan Kapolres benar-benar marah dengan peristiwa ini. “Karena di sini sebelumnya juga pernah kebobolan,” ujar anggota tersebut.Beberapa mobil dan angkutan umum yang hilir mudik di sekitar pelabuhan sempat dihentikan untuk diperiksa.
Tidak jelas kemana dan dengan apa Heri kabur. Namun, sekitar satu jam kemudian, sebuah mobil Taft hitam dikawal empat sepeda motor patroli memasuki halaman Polres. Dari dalam mobil itu, tersangka Heri dikeler petugas kedalam ruangan unit reskrim. Kisah pelarian ayah dua anak ini pun berakhir.
Dari penelusuran di lapangan, ternyata Heri ditangkap oleh seorang anggota Samapta berpangkat Brigadir Satu bernama A Fauzi. “Saya curiga, lihat ada sosok tertutup sarung bersembunyi di kolong truk yang rusak. Apalagi, sarungnya bergerak-gerak,” cerita Fauzi sambil menerima ucapan selamat dari rekan-rekannya.
“Lalu saya buka sarungnya, ternyata ada orang dengan tangan terborgol. Pikir saya, pasti ini yang dicari-cari, langsung saya pukul wajahnya,” sambung polisi berbadan kurus ini. Masih menurut Fauzi, Saat dipukul, tersangka sempat menangis minta ampun. “Ampun mas. Saya kabur ingat istri dan dua anak saya di rumah. Kasihan mereka,” ujar Fauzi menirukan tangisan tersangka Heri.
Ketika asyik bercerita dan terus menerima ucapan selamat dari rekan-rekannya, ia lalu dipanggil masuk oleh atasannya. Dalam keterangannya, Kapolres AKBP Gagas Nugraha mengatakan, setelah kejadian ini akan lebih memperhatikan sistem keamanan di setiap ruangan Polres KP3. Namun saat ditanya bagaimana seorang tahanan bisa lolos, ia berkelit bahwa tersangka Heri belum menjadi tahanan resmi. “Dia kan belum berstatus tahanan resmi, sehingga proteksi juga tidak terlalu ketat,” ujarnya.(SURYA/k3)



Nirvana in 1989. Front to back: Cobain, Everman, Channing, Novoselic.
Cobain and Novoselic met in 1985. Both were fans of The Melvins, and frequented the band's practice space. After a couple of false starts at forming their own band, the duo recruited drummer Aaron Burckhard, creating the first incarnation of what would eventually become Nirvana. Cobain later described the sound of the band when they first started as "a Gang of Four and Scratch Acid ripoff."[4] Within a few months, Burckhard was fired from the band. He was temporarily replaced by Dale Crover of the Melvins, who played on the band's first demos. Dave Foster then began a brief tenure as the band's drummer.
During its initial months, the band went through a series of names, including Skid Row, Pen Cap Chew, and Ted Ed Fred. The band finally settled on Nirvana in early 1988, which Cobain said was chosen because "I wanted a name that was kind of beautiful or nice and pretty instead of a mean, raunchy punk rock name like the Angry Samoans."[5] Nirvana played their first show under the name that March. A couple of months later, the band finally settled on a drummer, Chad Channing.
Nirvana's first release was the single "Love Buzz/Big Cheese" in 1988 on Seattle independent record label Sub Pop. The following year, the band released its first album, Bleach. To record Bleach, the band turned to noted local producer Jack Endino, who had recorded the band's first studio demos. Bleach was highly influenced by The Melvins, by the heavy dirge-rock of Mudhoney, and by the 1970s rock of Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin. Novoselic noted in a 2001 interview with Rolling Stone that the band had played a tape in their van while on tour that had an album by The Smithereens on one side and an album by the black metal band Celtic Frost on the other, and noted that the combination probably played an influence as well.[6] Bleach became a favorite of college radio stations nationally, but gave few hints of where the band would find itself two years later.
The money for the recording sessions for Bleach, listed as $606.17 on the album sleeve, was supplied by Jason Everman. Everman was introduced to Cobain by Dylan Carlson, but had known Channing since the fifth grade. Everman began hanging out with the band, and offered to lend the money to them for the recording.[7] Though Everman did not actually play on the album, he was credited for playing guitar on Bleach because, according to Novoselic, they "wanted to make him feel more at home in the band."[8] After the album was completed, Everman had a brief and contentious stay with the band as a second guitar player, but was fired following their first US tour.
In a late 1989 interview, Cobain noted that the band's music was changing. He said, "The early songs were really angry ... But as time goes on the songs are getting poppier and poppier as I get happier and happier. The songs are now about conflicts in relationships, emotional things with other human beings."[9] In April 1990, the band began working with producer Butch Vig at Smart Studios in Madison, Wisconsin on recordings for the follow-up to Bleach.[10] During the sessions, Kurt and Krist became disenchanted with Channing's drumming, and Channing expressed frustration at not being actively involved in songwriting.[11] Not long after the sessions were complete, Channing was gone from the band. After a few weeks with Dale Crover of The Melvins filling in, Nirvana hired Mudhoney drummer Dan Peters, with whom they recorded the song "Sliver". A few weeks later, Buzz Osborne of The Melvins introduced them to Dave Grohl, who was looking for a new band following the sudden break-up of D.C. hardcore punks Scream.[12] A few days after arriving in Seattle, Novoselic and Cobain auditioned Grohl, with Novoselic later admitting, "We knew in two minutes that he was the right drummer."[13]

[edit] Breakthrough success
Music sample:
"Smells Like Teen Spirit"
Sample of "Smells Like Teen Spirit," the first single from the band's breakthrough release Nevermind (1991). The song was a worldwide hit, and its "quiet verses with wobbly, chorused guitar, followed by big, loud hardcore-inspired choruses" became a much-emulated template in alternative rock.[14]Problems listening to the file? See media help.
Disenchanted with Sub Pop and with the Smart Studios sessions generating interest, Nirvana decided to look for a deal with a major record label.[15] Following repeated recommendations by Sonic Youth's Kim Gordon, Nirvana signed to DGC Records in 1990.[16] The band subsequently began recording its first major label album, Nevermind. They were offered a number of producers to choose from, but ultimately held out for Butch Vig.[17] Rather than recording at Vig's Madison studio as they had in 1990, they shifted to Sound City Studios in Van Nuys, Los Angeles, California. For two months, the band worked through a variety of songs in their catalog. Some of the songs, including "In Bloom" and "Breed", had been in the band's repertoire for years, while others, including "On a Plain" and "Stay Away", lacked finished lyrics until mid-way through the recording process.[18] After the recording sessions were completed, Vig and the band set out to mix the album. However, the recording sessions had run behind schedule and the resulting mixes were deemed unsatisfactory. Slayer mixer Andy Wallace was brought in to create the final mix. After the album's release members of Nirvana expressed dissatisfaction with the polished sound the mixer had given Nevermind.[19]
Initially, DGC Records was hoping to sell 250,000 copies of Nevermind, which was the same level they had achieved with Sonic Youth's Goo.[20] However, the album's first single "Smells Like Teen Spirit" quickly gained momentum, thanks in part to significant airplay of the song's music video on MTV. As they toured Europe during late 1991, the band found that the shows were dangerously oversold, that television crews were becoming a constant presence onstage, and that "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was almost omnipresent on radio and music television.[21] By Christmas 1991, Nevermind was selling 400,000 copies a week in the US.[22] On January 11, 1992, the album reached number one on the Billboard album charts, replacing Michael Jackson's album Dangerous.[23] The album also topped the charts in numerous countries worldwide.[24] The month Nevermind reached number one, Billboard proclaimed, "Nirvana is that rare band that has everything: critical acclaim, industry respect, pop radio appeal, and a rock-solid college/alternative base."[25]
In February 1992, following the band's Pacific Rim tour, Cobain married Hole frontwoman Courtney Love in Hawaii. Love gave birth to a daughter, Frances Bean Cobain, the following August. Citing exhaustion, the band decided not to undertake another U.S. tour in support of Nevermind, instead opting to make only a handful of performances later that year.[26] Just days after Frances Bean's birth, Nirvana performed one of its best-known concerts, headlining at the Reading Festival in England. Amid rumors about Cobain's health and the possibility the band might break up, Cobain entered the stage in a wheelchair as a practical joke, then proceeded to get up and join the rest of the band in tearing through an assortment of old and new material.[27] Dave Grohl related in 2005 on the radio program Loveline[28] that the band was genuinely concerned beforehand that the show would be a complete disaster, given all that had happened in the months leading up to the show. Instead, the performance ended up being one of the most memorable of their career.

Cobain and Novoselic at the 1992 MTV Video Music Awards.
Less than two weeks later, Nirvana performed at the MTV Video Music Awards. During the first rehearsal for the show, Cobain announced that they were going to play a new song during the broadcast, and the band rehearsed "Rape Me". MTV's executives were appalled by the song, and, according to show producer Amy Finnerty, the executives believed that the song was about them. They insisted that the band could not play "Rape Me", even threatening to throw Nirvana off of the show and stop airing their videos entirely. After a series of intense discussions, MTV and Nirvana agreed that the band would play "Lithium", their latest single.[29] When the band began their performance, Cobain strummed and sang the first few bars of "Rape Me", one last jab at MTV's executives, before breaking into "Lithium". Near the end of the song, frustrated that his amp had stopped functioning, Novoselic decided to toss his bass into the air for dramatic effect. He misjudged the landing, and the bass ended up bouncing off his forehead, causing him to stumble off the stage in a daze. As Cobain trashed their equipment, Grohl ran to the mic and began yelling "Hi, Axl!" repeatedly, referring to Guns N' Roses singer Axl Rose, with whom the band and Courtney had had a bizarre encounter before the show.[30]
Nirvana released Incesticide, a collection of rarities and B-sides, in December 1992. Many of Nirvana's radio sessions and unreleased early recordings were starting to circulate via trading circles and illegal bootlegs, so the album served to circumvent the bootleggers. The album contained songs from previously released singles and EPs, including "Sliver" and "Dive", as well as material from the band's sessions for the BBC, including "Been a Son", "Aneurysm", and covers of songs by The Vaselines and Devo.

[edit] In Utero
For 1993's In Utero, the band brought in producer Steve Albini, well-known for his work on the Pixies album Surfer Rosa. As Nevermind had brought in a new audience of listeners who had little or no experience with the alternative, obscure, or experimental bands Nirvana saw as their forebears, bringing in Albini appeared to be a deliberate move on Nirvana's part to give the album a raw, less-polished sound. For example, one song on In Utero featuring long periods of shrill feedback noise was titled, ironically, "Radio Friendly Unit Shifter" (in the industry, a "radio-friendly unit shifter" describes an "ideal" album: one capable of heavy radio play and ultimately selling many copies, or "units"). However, Cobain insisted that Albini's sound was simply the one he had always wanted Nirvana to have: a "natural" recording without layers of studio trickery.[31] The sessions with Albini were productive and notably quick, and the album was recorded and mixed in two weeks for a cost of $25,000 at Pachyderm Studios in Cannon Falls, Minnesota.[32]
Several weeks after the completion of the recording sessions, stories ran in the Chicago Tribune and Newsweek that quoted sources claiming DGC considered the album "unreleasable."[33] As a result, fans began to believe that the band's creative vision might be compromised by their label.[34] While the stories about DGC shelving the album were untrue, the band actually was unhappy with certain aspects of Albini's mixes. Specifically, they thought the bass levels were too low,[35] and Cobain felt that "Heart-Shaped Box" and "All Apologies" did not sound "perfect".[36] Longtime R.E.M. producer Scott Litt was called in to help remix those two songs, with Cobain adding additional instrumentation and backing vocals.[37]
In Utero debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 album chart in September 1993.[38] Time's Christopher John Farley wrote in his review of the album, "Despite the fears of some alternative-music fans, Nirvana hasn't gone mainstream, though this potent new album may once again force the mainstream to go Nirvana."[39] However, the album did not achieve the same success as Nevermind. That fall, Nirvana embarked on a US tour, its first major tour of the States since the success of "Smells Like Teen Spirit". For the tour, the band added Pat Smear of the punk rock band The Germs as a second guitarist.

[edit] Final months and Cobain's death
In November 1993, Nirvana performed for MTV Unplugged. The band opted to stay away from their most recognizable songs, playing only one of their hits, "Come as You Are". Grohl later related, "We knew we didn't want to do an acoustic version of Teen Spirit. ... That would've been horrendously stupid."[40] The setlist also included a few relatively obscure covers, with members of the Meat Puppets joining the band for covers of three of their songs. While rehearsals for the show had been problematic, MTV Unplugged producer Alex Coletti noted that the actual taping went exceedingly well, with every song performed in one take and with the complete set lasting under an hour, which were both unusual for Unplugged sessions. Following the band's set-ending performance of Lead Belly's "Where Did You Sleep Last Night", Coletti tried to convince the band to perform an encore. "Kurt said, 'I can't top that last song.' And when he said that, I backed off. 'Cause I knew he was right."[40] The band's performance debuted on MTV on December 14, 1993.
In early 1994, the band embarked on a European tour. Following a tour stop at Terminal Eins in Munich, Germany, on March 1, Cobain was diagnosed with bronchitis and severe laryngitis. The next night's show at the same venue was canceled. In Rome, on the morning of March 4, Love found Cobain unconscious and he was rushed to the hospital. The doctor told a press conference that the singer had reacted to a combination of prescription Rohypnol and alcohol. The rest of the tour was canceled, including a planned leg in the UK.
In the ensuing weeks, Cobain's heroin addiction resurfaced. An intervention was organized, and Cobain was convinced to check into drug rehabilitation. After less than a week in rehabilitation, Cobain climbed over the wall of the facility and took a plane back to Seattle. A week later, on Friday, April 8, 1994, Cobain was found dead of an apparently self-inflicted shotgun wound to the head at his Seattle home, effectively dissolving Nirvana.

[edit] Posthumous releases
Several Nirvana albums have been released since Cobain's death. The first came in November 1994 with the release of the band's performance for MTV Unplugged, MTV Unplugged in New York. Two weeks after the release of Unplugged in New York, a video compilation of Nirvana performances, titled Live! Tonight! Sold Out!!, was released. Cobain himself had compiled a significant part of the video, which documented much of the Nevermind tour. The original intention was to release the MTV Unplugged set in a double-disc package, along with a second disc of live electric material to balance the acoustic set. However, for the two surviving band members, sorting through Nirvana recordings so soon after Cobain's passing became too emotionally overwhelming.[41] The live disc, a compilation of Nirvana concert recordings, finally saw release in October 1996, titled From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah.
In August 1997, online music news website Wall of Sound reported that Grohl and Novoselic were organizing a box set of Nirvana rarities.[42] Four years later, the band's label announced that the box set was complete and would see release in September to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the release of Nevermind. However, shortly before the release date, Love filed an injunction to stop the box set's release and sued Grohl and Novoselic, claiming that Cobain's former band mates were hijacking Nirvana's legacy for their own personal interests. What followed was a protracted legal battle over the ownership of Nirvana's music that lasted for more than a year.[43]
Much of the legal wrangling centered on a single unreleased song, "You Know You're Right", the band's final studio recording. Grohl and Novoselic wanted to include the song on the box set, essentially releasing all of the rarities at one time. Love, however, argued that the song was more important than just a generic "rarity", and should be included on a single-disc greatest hits compilation. After more than a year of often public and sometimes bizarre legal maneuvering, the parties settled, agreeing on the immediate release of the greatest hits package including "You Know You're Right", titled simply Nirvana. In turn, Love agreed to donate cassette demos recorded by Cobain for use on the box set.
The compilation album, Nirvana, was released on October 29, 2002. On top of "You Know You're Right", the album contained hit singles from their three studio albums as well as several alternate mixes and recordings of familiar Nirvana songs. The box set, With the Lights Out, was finally released in November 2004. The release contained a vast array of early Cobain demos, rough rehearsal recordings, and live tracks recorded throughout the band's history. A best-of-the-box compilation titled Sliver: The Best of the Box was released in late 2005. The CD compiled nineteen tracks from the box set plus three previously unreleased tracks, including a version of the song "Spank Thru" from the 1985 Fecal Matter demo tape. In a 2002 interview with Jim DeRogatis, Love described the countless rehearsal tapes, demos, and bedroom recordings that were left behind after Cobain's death.[44] Whether anything from the remaining archive will ever see release remains to be seen.
In April 2006, Love announced that she had arranged to sell twenty-five percent of her stake in the Nirvana song catalog in a deal estimated at $50 million. The share of Nirvana's publishing was purchased by Primary Wave Music, which was founded by Larry Mestel, a former CEO of Virgin Records. As Love controlled ninety-seven percent of Nirvana's catalog, the deal meant that Mestel had a significantly larger stake than Novoselic and Grohl combined. In an accompanying statement, Love sought to assure Nirvana's fanbase that the music would not simply be licensed to the highest bidder, noting, "We are going to remain very tasteful and true to the spirit of Nirvana while taking the music to places it has never been before."[45]

[edit] Post-Nirvana
In the years following Nirvana's disbanding, both surviving members remained musically active. Not long after Cobain's death, Grohl recorded a series of demos that eventually became the debut album for the Foo Fighters. The Foo Fighters became Grohl's main project, releasing several commercially successful records over the next decade. The Foo Fighters' 2005 album In Your Honor featured a song called "Friend of a Friend", which Grohl wrote in 1990 about his first encounters with Cobain and Novoselic.
Beyond the Foo Fighters, Grohl also drummed for numerous bands, including Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Mike Watt, Queens of the Stone Age, Tenacious D, and Nine Inch Nails. He also recorded an album of metal songs featuring many of his favorite early-80s metal singers under the name Probot.
After the end of Nirvana, Novoselic formed Sweet 75. Later, he founded Eyes Adrift with Curt Kirkwood (formerly of the Meat Puppets) and Bud Gaugh (formerly of Sublime). He also performed in a one-off band called the No WTO Combo with Kim Thayil of Soundgarden and Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedys that coincided with the WTO Meeting of 1999. In December 2006, Novoselic replaced bass player Bruno DeSmartas in the band Flipper for a UK/Ireland tour and several US shows.[46] The band added "Scentless Apprentice" to their setlist, a song they had previously covered (minus Novoselic) on the 2000 Nirvana tribute album Smells Like Bleach: A Punk Tribute to Nirvana.
Novoselic also became a political activist, founding the political action committee JAMPAC to push musicians' rights. In 2004, he released a book titled Of Grunge and Government: Let's Fix This Broken Democracy, which covered his musical past as well as his political endeavors. During the 2004 Presidential campaign, Grohl and Novoselic appeared on stage together in support of John Kerry.

[edit] Band members

[edit] Former members
Kurt Cobain – vocals, guitar (1987–1994)
Krist Novoselic – bass guitar (1987–1994)
Dave Grohl – drums, backing vocals (1990–1994)
Aaron Burckhard – drums (1987–1988)
Dale Crover – drums (1988, 1990)
Dave Foster – drums (1988)
Chad Channing – drums (1988–1990)
Jason Everman – guitar (1989)
Dan Peters – drums (1990)

[edit] Touring members
Pat Smear – guitar (1993–1994)
Lori Goldston – cello (1993–1994)
Melora Creager – cello (1994)

[edit] Discography
Main article: Nirvana discography
1989: Bleach
1991: Nevermind
1993: In Utero

[edit] See also
1991: The Year Punk Broke
List of alternative rock artists
List of musicians from Seattle
Best selling music artists
List of best-selling albums worldwide
Hype!, A documentary about the rise and fall of the Seattle sound and Nirvana's role within it

[edit] Notes
^ Azerrad, Michael. "Inside the Heart and Mind of Nirvana." Rolling Stone. April 16, 1992.
^ Armstrong, Mark. "Nirvana Tops 50 Million Mark In Worldwide Sales, 'Journals' Number One". Yahoo! Music. November 17, 2002. Retrieved August 18, 2007.
^ "BBC News Article". BBC News. June 11, 2003. Retrieved February 3, 2008.
^ Azerrad, Michael. Come as You Are: The Story of Nirvana. Doubleday, 1994. ISBN 0-385-47199-8, p. 294
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 62
^ Fricke, David. "Krist Novoselic". Rolling Stone. September 13, 2001.
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 91
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 91–2
^ Robb, John. "White Heat." Sounds. October 21, 1989
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 137
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 138
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 151
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 154
^ di Perna, Alan. "Brave Noise—The History of Alternative Rock Guitar." Guitar World. December 1995.
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 136–37
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 162
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 164–65
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 176–77
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 179–80
^ Wice, Nathaniel. "How Nirvana Made It". Spin. April 1992.
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 203
^ Lyons, James. Selling Seattle: Representing Contemporary Urban America. Wallflower, 2004. ISBN 1-903354-96-5, p. 120
^ "The Billboard 200". Billboard. January 11, 1992.
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 239
^ "Nirvana Achieves Chart Perfection!" Billboard. January 25, 1992.
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 256
^ Azerrad, Michael. "Performance: The Reading Festival." Rolling Stone. October 29, 1992.
^ Loveline Archive
^ Cross, Charles. Heavier Than Heaven: A Biography of Kurt Cobain. Hyperion, 2001. ISBN 0-7868-8402-9
^ Azerrad, 1993. p. 279: Cobain's version of the story was that Courtney had jokingly asked Rose to be the godfather of Frances Bean. Rose responded by telling Cobain to "shut up his bitch". Cobain turned to Courtney and said, "Shut up, bitch!" eliciting laughter from the Nirvana entourage.
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 317
^ DeRogatis, Jim. Milk It!: Collected Musings on the Alternative Music Explosion of the 90's. Cambridge: Da Capo, 2003. ISBN 0-306-81271-1, p. 4
^ DeRogatis, 2003. p. 17
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 332
^ Fricke, David. "Kurt Cobain: The Rolling Stone Interview." Rolling Stone. January 27, 1994.
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 336–37
^ Azerrad, 1994. p. 338
^ "In Numero Uno." Entertainment Weekly. October 8, 1993.
^ Farley, Christopher John. "To The End Of Grunge." Time. September 20, 1993.
^ a b Di Perna, Alan. "Behind Unplugged". Guitar World. March 1995.
^ Ali, Lorraine. "One Last Blast". Rolling Stone. October 17, 1996.
^ Graff, Gary. "Nirvana Box Set Coming Someday". Wall of Sound. August 28, 1997.
^ Heath, Chris. "The Nirvana Wars: Who Owns Kurt Cobain?". Rolling Stone. June 6, 2002.
^ DeRogatis, Jim. "A Piece of Kurt Cobain". Chicago Sun-Times. March 10, 2002.
^ Vineyard, Jennifer. "Courtney Love Sells Substantial Share Of Nirvana Publishing Rights". MTVNews.com. April 13, 2006. Retrieved September 5, 2007
^ Jasmin, Ernest. "Krist Novoselic to play with Flipper". TheNewsTribune.com. September 25, 2006.

Minggu, 01 Juni 2008

Berita Anak Bangsa

Tak Ada Kejutan dari Doni Tata

Mugello - Tidak ada kejutan lagi dari Doni Tata Pradita dalam penampilannya di Mugello. Pada GP Italia kelas 250cc, Minggu (1/6/2008), pembalap Indonesia itu start dan finish di urutan terakhir alias posisi buncit.

Doni memang lebih beruntung dari enam pembalap yang tak mampu menyelesaikan lomba karena berbagai insiden. Meski demikian tidak ada pembalap lain yang finish di belakang dia dan Doni pun tidak kebagian poin karena posisinya adalah 17.

Secara keseluruhan tidak ada kejutan dari pembalap tim Yamaha Pertamina Indonesia itu di Mugello. Di dua sesi latihan ia mampu mengalahkan satu pembalap, yakni Russel Gomez asal Spanyol. Tapi rivalnya itu finish di depan dia saat balapan.

Begitu pula di sesi kualifikasi. Di sesi pertama Doni bahkan melebihi batas waktu yang ada sehingga torehan waktunya tidak dicatat. Sedangkan saat mencari posisi start, ia juga tak bisa berbuat lebih baik.

Walau begitu, Doni tetap lebih beruntung ketimbang aksi terakhirnya di Prancis. Pada balapan seri kelima itu ia gagal finish untuk pertama kalinya. Dua minggu sebelumnya Doni mendulang poin pertamanya Shanghai.

Sementara itu balapan hari ini secara dramatis dimenangi oleh Marco Simoncelli dari tim Metis Gilera. Ini adalah kemenangan pertama rider berusia 21 tahun itu di kelas 250cc, level yang ia ikuti sejak 2006.

Simoncelli membukukan waktu 40 menit 19,910 detik, mengalahkan Alex Debon (Aprilia) di tempat kedua dan Thomas Luthi (Aprilia) di peringkat ketiga.

Yang menarik, Simoncelli mengamankan kemenangan perdananya itu setelah Hector Barbera mengalami nasib sial atas kesalahannya sendiri. Di lap terakhir, dalam posisi amat rapat, Barbera menyundul ekor motor Simoncelli. Akibatnya ia langsung terpental hebat dan harus mencium aspal. Masih beruntung penunggang motor Aprilia itu asal Spanyol itu terhindar dari cedera, meskipun proses terjengkangnya dia cukup mengerikan.

Selain Barbera, pembalap favorit lain yang berakhir di gravel adalah Alvaro Bautista dan Yuki Takahashi. Adapun pimpinan klasemen sementara, Mika Kallio, harus puas menduduki tempat keempat, tapi tetap belum tergeser dari posisinya itu.

Hasil balapan:

1. Marco SIMONCELLI (ITA) Gilera 40'19.910
2. Alex DEBON (SPA) Aprilia 40'20.409
3. Thomas LUTHI (SWI) Aprilia 40'20.622
4. Mika KALLIO (FIN) KTM 40'27.313
5. Mattia PASINI (ITA) Aprilia 40'32.452
6. Roberto LOCATELLI (ITA) Gilera 40'32.700
7. Karel ABRAHAM (CZE) Aprilia 40'36.024
8. Hiroshi AOYAMA (JPN) KTM 40'37.226
9. Aleix ESPARGARO (SPA) Aprilia 40'39.552
10. Ratthapark WILAIROT (THA) Honda 40'39.614
11. Julian SIMON (SPA) KTM 40'39.661
12. Alex BALDOLINI (ITA) Aprilia 41'07.270
13. Eugene LAVERTY (IRL) Aprilia 41'07.332
14. Fabrizio LAI (ITA) Gilera 41'33.333
15. Imre TOTH (HUN) Aprilia 41'45.801
16. Russel GOMEZ (SPA) Aprilia 41'56.467
17. Doni Tata PRADITA (INA) Yamaha 42'08.134 156.843 1'48.224

Tidak finish

Hector BARBERA (SPA) Aprilia
Lukas PESEK (CZE) Aprilia
Hector FAUBEL (SPA) Aprilia
Manuel POGGIALI (RSM) Gilera
Alvaro BAUTISTA (SPA) Aprilia

Klasemen sementara:

1 Mika KALLIO FIN Red Bull KTM 250 106 poin
2 Mattia PASINI ITA Polaris World 88
3 Alex DEBON SPA Lotus Aprilia 79
4 Marco SIMONCELLI ITA Metis Gilera 78
5 Hiroshi AOYAMA JPN Red Bull KTM 250 61
6 Yuki TAKAHASHI JPN JiR Team Scot 250 59
7 Hector BARBERA SPA Team Toth Aprilia 53
8 Alvaro BAUTISTA SPA Mapfre Aspar Team 41
9 Aleix ESPARGARO SPA Lotus Aprilia 40
10 Julian SIMON SPA Repsol KTM 250cc 36
11 Thomas LUTHI SWI Emmi - Caffe Latte 35
12 Roberto LOCATELLI ITA Metis Gilera 34
13 Ratthapark WILAIROT THA Thai Honda PTT SAG 25
14 Hector FAUBEL SPA Mapfre Aspar Team 25
15 Karel ABRAHAM CZE Cardion AB Motoracing 21
16 Alex BALDOLINI ITA Matteoni Racing 13
17 Manuel POGGIALI RSM Campetella Racing 12
18 Lukas PESEK CZE Auto Kelly - CP 12
19 Fabrizio LAI ITA Campetella Racing 8
20 Eugene LAVERTY IRL Blusens Aprilia 7
21 Federico SANDI ITA Zongshen Team of China 2
22 Manuel HERNANDEZ SPA Blusens Aprilia 2
23 Imre TOTH HUN Team Toth Aprilia 2
24 Doni Tata PRADITA INA Yamaha Pertamina Indonesia 1 (a2s/arp)